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Originally delivered on 5/27/2023 8:30 pm

SUBJECT: GHSC Newsletter: June Edition

These last 2 weeks of the school year will zoom by!  Don't miss out on our many calendar updates, family survey, volunteer sign-up, and communication from the office and library!  

We wish all Grizzly families a roaringly adventurous summer!













GHSC wants to hear from you!  Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey about GHSC events and programs during the 2022-2023 school year - we will use this feedback while planning events and programs for next year and beyond.


Outdoor Learning is making a few changes. The OLA Team, who helps builds and maintain the OLA areas, is changing its name to Campus Beautification Team. 

The Garden Club is also changing its name to Garden Volunteers, which fits its new structure of providing volunteers for classes during one of its two outdoor classroom station days. 

Click below for more information on these two new roles and more.


Congrats to Kameron and Kayden Mavunkel on winning the Spring Fling Auction item to name the last Spirit Day of the Year!

All above dates have been updated on the GHSC Calendar and will be shared on the GHSC Facebook Group

5th Grade Promotion

FRIDAY 6/9 @ 9am

Cheers to the Guad Class of 2023!  We invite all 5th Grade Families to join us for a memorable promotion ceremony on the upper field.  Get ready to cheer on your Grizzly by bringing your decorated lawn sign to place on the lawn!  Following the ceremony will be light refreshments. 


Kinder/1st/2nd/3rd/4th Graders

Dismissal will be at 12:15 PM. 

Please be sure to edit your calendar or make arrangements with Extended Care.

5th Graders

After the promotion ceremony, 5th graders are excused from school. Parents are asked to sign out their students with their 5th grade teacher before leaving campus. If your student needs to remain on campus, please arrange for them to attend Extended Care.

Check below for many important dates coming up this month. A complete list can be found on GHSC.NET/CALENDAR

  • 5/29 ~ Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL
  • 5/30 ~ Spirit Day: GRADE COLOR DAY
  • 5/31 ~ Spirit Day: TWIN DAY
  • 6/1 ~ Spirit Day: CRAZY HAIR/CLOTHES DAY
  • 6/2 ~ Spirit Day: BACKWARDS DAY
  • 6/2 ~ Volunteer Breakfast (Invites Sent)
  • 6/6 ~ 5th Grade Pool Party
  • 6/7 ~ Olympic Day @ 8:30 AM
  • 6/9 ~ 5th Grade Promotion, 9-10 AM                       (Regular Drop-off Schedule for 5th Graders)
  • 6/9 ~ LAST DAY of SCHOOL(12:15 PM release for TK-4th grades)


  1. STUDENT MEDICATIONS:  If your student has medications stored in the health clerk's office, please pick it up by END OF DAY on Friday, 6/9. All remaining medications will be disposed of after the last day of school.
  2. Plan to volunteer or join any class parties?  If you haven't volunteered this year and plan to (either in the classroom or on a field trip), please connect with your teacher and ask for the link to the annual volunteer code of conduct form.  Then, be sure to get your driver's license added to our Raptor system in the office.
  3. Student Out Sick? Don't forget to call and report your student out sick each day they miss school. Please make sure to include your student's symptoms in your voicemail so the nurse doesn't have to call back and ask for clarification. Be sure to include whether your student has tested positive for COVID. Please call ‭(408) 927-9452‬ 

If you have any questions please email Mrs. Hamchuk <>

A Message from Mrs. Mettler

A huge thank you to all our teachers and to GHSC for your continued support. We had another great year in the library!

Some of our highlights:
*We read to every class each week.  
*Our circulation increased by 1,608 books this year. 
*We welcomed students into the library during lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and had an average of 30 students. 
*We added 1,038 books, many of which are now favorites with our students. 
*Look out for an email with our end-of-year report to see which class checked out the most books!

Guadalupe's Library officially closed on May 19th. Any unreturned books are now officially overdue! Last year, over 100 books were never returned to the Library and less than 20 families paid to replace the lost books. Mrs. Mettler has been sending parents email reminders about overdue books all year. 

- To search for these emails, search for "Notice for " or "From your Library". 

- Your student can also check with Mrs. Mettler during their last class library time this week or email Mrs. Mettler .

Two very important reminders:

1. LIBRARY BOOK & YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be handed out the week of June 5-9.     If your student still has an overdue book by that week, your teacher will hold their yearbook until either the library book is returned or a parent has paid to replace it. More info:

2. CLASS POPSICLE PARTY: Students can still return their library book or pay for their missing book by Fri. 6/2Classes will win a popsicle party during the last week of school if all respective books are returned/reimbursed! (More info on paying for missing books:

Only a handful of yearbooks remaining!

Important Yearbook News:
Starting June 5th, yearbooks will be distributed on the teacher's chosen day. Please be patient with teachers- the last week of school is busy for everyone. If you purchased a copy, your student will receive it 🎉.

  • EXTRA COPIES AVAILABLE to PURCHASE NOW! We have a few extra copies from the printer. You can purchase those copies right now at http://GHSC.NET/TOOLKIT". Purchase fast before we run out!
  • LIBRARY BOOKS & YEARBOOKS:If your student still has an overdue library book on 6/5, your student will not receive their yearbook until the book is returned or the lost book fee is paid. Please check your email for the overdue book email. 
  • CONGRATS to our 15  Artist Runner-Ups: We are excited to announce the artists whose cover designs are showcased on our yearbook back cover!

Back Cover Artists:  Caleb Numberg, Sibelle Mehmet, Aoi Kimura, Stanley Ko, Nathan Stock, Ellen Choi, Oliver Ma, Vidhaan Jain, Kiana Wong, Elina Washington, Vidisha Sai, Risha-Ramanan, Joshua Sulistyo (no particular order). 

Monday, June 12th- All GHSC Reimbursement Requests Due!

GHSC Chairs & Room Parents - Please submit your receipts ASAP to ensure you are reimbursed before the end of the school year.  Online request forms can be found at GHSC.NET/TOOLKIT under "forms."


While you enjoy the summer, GHSC TOOLKIT will get a REBOOT for the 23/24 school year. All order forms and store items will be offline over the summer break! Be on the lookout on August 8th for the GHSC Toolkit relaunch email for the new school year. Remember, logging into GHSC Toolkit early each year puts your family name into the Guadalupe Limited Edition T-Shirt drawing!

'23-'24 School Kits Deadline!

Great news! This pre-packaged, back-to-school supply program offers families the chance to get summer shopping out of the way. Each grade level kit includes the exact colors, quantities, and brands your teachers have requested for next year.  

Place your order by 6/9/23 !

All information can be found at

Spring Fling Success!!

Thank you to all the parents who joined us for this fun and memorable evening, and a very big thank you to all of the parents who volunteered and helped make this event a big success!

We were able to kick off the 2023/2024 school year’s fundraising with a very impressive $7000 (profit) raised at this event, thanks to the generosity of the parents during the auction and the very popular staff dessert auction. 

We had lots of flowers, balloons, music, dancing, open bar, great food, delicious staff desserts, and the best part of the evening — the wonderful company of our Guad community. We hope this continues to be a much looked forward to Guad tradition, and hope to see everyone at next year’s Spring Dinner Dance.

Checkout photos from the event HERE

WE LOVE OUR STAFF! Check out the creative door decorations from Staff Appreciation Week!

Thank you, PARENTS and GHSC Board!  Your involvement, efforts, and support have made this '22-'23 a success and we wish you a wonderful end to our school year!

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