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Originally delivered on 3/7/2022 7:08 pm

SUBJECT: GHSC Newsletter: March Edition

Spring Has Arrived Family 

As you can see below, this month's newsletter has some great news about a special event returning to campus. Please be sure to check out news from our Traffic Team and an update on the second Parent Talk Series.

SAVE-THE-DATE ~ Friday, May 6th

The Guadalupe Spring Carnival & Art Vistas Show is returning to campus on Friday, 5/6 starting at 5 PM. 

Mark your calendars to save the date for this special event for the whole family. Parents are treated to a display of your students' artwork done with Art Vistas. 

The Food Truck Rally also returns, allowing families to grab a bite while the kids enjoy the event. 

Year 2019 was the last time we had the opportunity to host this event. We are working to make this event fun and safe for our community. We will share more info on some of the fun attractions planned in the April newsletter. If you are interested in volunteering at the Carnival & Art Show, please signup on GHSC Toolkit.

Ms. Linda & Lost-N-Found PURGE #2

The GHSC would like to introduce Ms. Linda, one of Guadalupe's Yard Duty and the great keeper of the Lost-N-Found Rack. Daily, Ms. Linda picks up all the abandoned jackets, sweatshirts, lunch boxes, and water bottles. Half of these found items are returned to the student directly because their name was written on them. Check out this week's GOOD MORNING GUADALUPE ANNOUNCEMENT, where the students learn more about Ms. Linda. Important Reminder: On Friday, 4/1, the rack will be cleared off for our second PURGE of the school year. All clothing, lunch boxes, and water bottles will be donated. CHECK THE RACK BEFORE 4/1


  1. Intent to Return: In early February all parents received an email with the Intent to Return Form Link. This form needs to be completed for each of your students. An early, accurate count helps us to plan for the correct number of teachers and to design the classes for next year.
  2. Lost & Found: SPRING BREAK is coming! Which means the LOST & FOUND RACK is in a countdown for it's second purge. Friday 4/1, the rack will cleared off and all clothes will be donated.
  3. Kinder & TK Registration: The registration for Kinder & TK at Guadalupe is now open. Head over to UNIONSD.ORG to register.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hamchuk <>

Promote Positive Self Esteem

Guadalupe's parents are invited to join us for the 2nd Parent Talk Series Night scheduled for Wednesday, March 9th, @ 7:30 PM. We are moving from online to IN-PERSON on the Guadalupe Campus. We will be utilizing the Cafeteria and the lunch table area for this on-campus event.

The GHSC Parent Education nights have been a staple over the past few years. These evenings are not just opportunities to broaden our understanding of education and parenting. It also provides parents the opportunity to connect and build a community at Guadalupe. 

On the heels of our first Parent Talk on SEL for students at home and classroom, our March 9th, Rachael Ostrowski (Family Therapist & Guard Parent) and Jen Danielsen Sanabia (Guadalupe Mental Health Therapist) will lead a parent discussion on Promoting Positive Self Esteem in our students.

If you can't make the Parent Talk in-person, we will provide online access via ZOOM. Any questions about the Parent Talk, please contact

We have some important dates coming up in the month of March. Below is a complete list of dates can be found on GHSC.NET/CALENDAR

Sibling Pricing & Free Personalization ENDS 3/21


All orders received after 3/21 will not include free personalization. To ensure personalization and take advantage of sibling pricing, please your order before 3/21.

Starting 3/22 only the basic price Yearbook $38 will be available on GHSC Toolkit.

Tax Season is HERE

It is Tax Season, and the GHSC would like to remind you that all the donations you made in 2021 are tax-exempt and can be declared on your 2021 Taxes. The GHSC is a tax-exempt organization. Your email confirmation from GHSC Toolkit can be used as proof of donation. The email has all the necessary information for claiming your donation.

Not sure if you donated, you can find detailed information on all donations on GHSC Toolkit. Simply log on and go MY ACCOUNT > ORDERS tab there; you will have a list of all your transactions. If you have any questions about a specific donation, please contact

GREAT WEATHER = Mileage Club

Spring/Summer weather is returning, and it is a perfect time to join Mileage Club in the morning. Drop off your student early, and they can do a couple of laps around the Guadalupe track for 10-20 minutes. A parent volunteer is on campus from 7:40 AM to 8:00 AM each morning.

Be sure to sign the Mileage Club Waiver before your student joins us on the track. Visit

Staff Parking & Volunteers

With the year rounding to an end over the next few months, we still need parents' help with volunteering. If you can spare 20-30 minutes, one morning or one afternoon a week, we can use your help. Please check out the online TRAFFIC SIGNUP for a vacant spot that needs filling. The parents you see in the yellow vest are all volunteers, ensuring your child's safety. Please be respectful at all times and respect their requests when you are not following the law or TRAFFIC GUIDELINES.

The traffic team also needs help with three more problems during drop-off and pick-up. 

  • GRANDPARENTS: With more grandparents' help with pick-up and drop-off, please make sure they know the pick-up and drop-off process. More information can be found at
  • NO DOUBLE PARKING: There has been an increase of parents' double parking during picking up and dropping off along Coleman Drive. All students should enter and exit the car from the curb at all times. Making students run between cars or into traffic is dangerous.

  • NO PARKING IN EXTRA STAFF LOT: The extra staff lot located along the backend of the track is for staff  only. Please DO NOT enter the side parking lot to drop off/pick up your student. We are seeing parents trying to exit into traffic and coming close to hitting students on the sidewalk or cars lined up to use the proper zone for drop-off/pick-up.
Spirit Day: TIE-DYE DAY


back to Guadalupe 

on Wednesday, March 16th

Mr. Gates loves it so much, he requested a redo of Tie-Dye Day.


Guadalupe is seeing an increase of small pieces of trash being left on campus. If your family has some free time on the weekend, the campus grounds is open on the weekends during daylight hours. Bring a trash bag or two to pickup trash. Every little bit helps. Thank you Guadalupe!

Move that clock forward on March 13th.
Variety Show Thank You's

The GHSC Board would like to thank all of the performers, emcee's and their parents for all their hard work preparing and executing the Variety Show!

A huge thank you to Jill and Robert Binkley (4th grade parents) 

Office Drop Off Policy REMINDER

Back in November, the drop-off policy in the front office changed. 

Parents should only be dropping off Urgent Items like homework or projects that are due that day. Drop-off items can be left on the table outside the office door only; please do not ask office staff to call your student to the office for pickup. Be sure to tell your student to check the table during recess for the items that you agreed to drop-off before school. 

Forgot their lunch? 

If your student forgets their lunch or drink, remind them they can receive a free lunch, snack and drink from the cafeteria.

Forgot their Chromebook?

All classrooms have extra Chromebook’s available for you to use.

Forgot their Jacket? 

The weather is warming up, your student will not need the jacket.

Do you know a local business that would be interested in advertising and supporting Guadalupe? Please reach out to our Sponsor Chair with your suggestions. (

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