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Originally delivered on 2/5/2022 10:12 am

SUBJECT: GHSC Newsletter: February Edition

February is Showtime at Guadalupe! 

This month's edition of the GHSC Newsletter brings exciting new events, from the Variety Show to our new Parent Talk Series!


The Variety Show lineup is all set, and we are excited to showcase the event LIVE on the GHSC YOUTUBE CHANNEL on Thursday, February 10th. This year we have one showtime for the whole school, and the show will be kicking off live, on YOUTUBE

Pop some popcorn, and cozy up to the TV, to watch some of your friends and classmates perform for the whole school.


was a SMASHING SUCCESS thank to your Grizllies! 

This year, we smashed the 20/21 record of 2,414 books read.

For 21/22 we read 

3,285 BOOKS

On behalf of the Bookfest Team, we thank you for sharing all your books and we look forward to the 22/23 school year and possibly the return of regular Winterfest festivities, combined with BOOKFEST. Keep reading Guadalupe!

Office Drop Off Policy REMINDER

Back in November, the drop-off policy in the front office changed. 

Parents should only be dropping off Urgent Items like homework or projects that are due that day. Drop-off items can be left on the table outside the office door only; please do not ask office staff to call your student to the office for pickup. Be sure to tell your student to check the table during recess for the items that you agreed to drop-off before school. 

Forgot their lunch? 

If your student forgets their lunch or drink, remind them they can receive a free lunch, snack and drink from the cafeteria.

Forgot their Chromebook?

All classrooms have extra Chromebook’s available for you to use.

Forgot their Jacket? 

The weather is warming up, your student will not need the jacket.


  1. Lost & Found: The Lost & Found rack is already filled up again, after one month being back. Please be sure to remind your student(s) to check the rack at least once a week.
  2. Kinder & TK Registration: The registration for Kinder & TK at Guadalupe is now open. Head over to UNIONSD.ORG to register.
  3. Volunteers: We have a new sign-in system for volunteers. All volunteers and visitors entering campus during school hours must check in with their Driver's License. You will be required to complete health screening questions when signing in. Please be sure to sign out when you leave campus.
  4. Parents on Campus: Parents may pick students up on campus, but we ask that you not wait outside your student's classroom door. Doors have to be left open, and students don't need the added distraction.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hamchuk <>

2021/22 Yearbook Cover WINNER

The Yearbook Team is excited to announce that 

Ellie Kim

(5th Grader in Mr. Dixon's Class)

will have her cover design grace the cover of the 21/22 Yearbook. 

FUN FACT: This is Ellie's second winning cover design. Her artwork appeared on the front cover the 2019/20 Yearbook.

Stay Tuned: The next 15 winning cover designs will again, grace the back cover of this year's Yearbook. 

We have some important dates coming up in the month of February. Below are this month's dates, a complete list of dates can be found on GHSC.NET/CALENDAR

Yearbook Sibling Pricing & Free Personalization ENDING SOON

The Yearbook SIBLING PRICING & FREE PERSONALIZATION will be ENDING on 3/21. All orders received after 3/21 will not include free personalization.

Starting 3/22 the basic price for the Yearbook will go up to $42.

Guadalupe Parent Talk Series


Rachael Ostrowski is organizing a series of Parent Education Nights on Social Emotional Learning, other student challenges and open discussions on related topics.

Feb 9th @ 7:30PM

March 9th @ 7:30PM

 and April 27th @ 7:30PM

If you would like more information on this special evening or would like to help, please contact

Alternative Routes to Coleman

The traffic team notices an increase in traffic backing down Vera Cruz to the Coleman stop sign. We want to highlight to all parents there are three alternative and FASTER ROUTES to getting to Coleman, Camden & Redmond.



ROCK STAR DAY is coming to Guadalupe 

on Thursday, February 10th

Let's celebrate all the students performing in the Guadalupe Variety Show on 2/10.

Students are welcome to dress up as their favorite ROCK STAR for school.


SPORTS DAY is coming to Guadalupe 

on Thursday, February 11th

The Super Bowl is coming, and we want to invite Students to wear something celebrating their favorite sports team.

We invite parents to take photos of their students dressed up at home or on campus. Please share your photos on your SHUTTERFLY GRADE SITES or email it to

Garden Club Update: Broccoli To Go

Our broccoli and peas are looking great!  We are ready to clear out some of the old vegetation, and make room for new plantings.  

Please reach out to our Garden Club Coordinator if you are interested in volunteering in the garden:

Share Photos on Shutterfly

The Yearbook team needs everyone's help in sharing photos taken on campus during this school year. Please upload your photos to your Guadalupe Shutterfly Grade Site or email the photos to the Guadalupe Yearbook Team <>. Sharing your photos on Shutterfly will not only share with the whole grade, but they are there as memories down the road when your student heads off to High School. CLICK TO FIND YOUR GRADE SITE


Good Morning Guadalupe goes out every Monday morning to all the students in class. Grizzly Reviews is an opportunity for your student to share a book they have read with the whole school. Parents can find more information on how to film and submit your students BOOK REVIEW, at GHSC.NET.

Do you know a local business that would be interested in advertising and supporting Guadalupe? Please reach out to our Sponsor Chair with your suggestions. (

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