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Originally delivered on 10/5/2020 7:51 am

SUBJECT: Community Meeting 9/30 Update


9/30 NOTES, Testing, Survey & More

Our Guadalupe community is strong because we are a collaborative team working together to support one another. Don’t miss out on our weekly Wednesday meetings to hear about the updates on important school news. You can find the next meeting date/time and zoom link below as well as GHSC.NET.

Our moderators welcome parents and staff members to suggest topics / pose questions they would like to address in next week’s meeting by emailing -

Next Community Meeting

will take place on Wed. 10/7 @ 8 PM (evening)

Principal Jones & Staff Updates

Parent Survey Closed: Mr. Jones received 269 responses from parents. Here is a brief overview of the numbers received. Mr. Jones will be providing detailed results in a week or two. 

Question: How likely are you to return for in-person instruction. 


Likely, Somewhat Likely = 57%

Unlikely, Somewhat Unlikely = 32%

Undecided = 11%

Grade Spotlight: KINDER

Likely, Somewhat Likely = 51%

Unlikely, Somewhat Unlikely = 32%

Undecided = 17%

Grade Spotlight: FIRST

Likely, Somewhat Likely = 43%

Unlikely, Somewhat Unlikely = 38%

Undecided = 19%

Student Survey: Mr. Jones got district approval to do a student survey. The survey will be going out to Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades Classes only. A detailed report on this survey will be sent out to parents. 

Conferences: Mr. Jones suggests if parents have concerns or questions about their student, please email the teacher before your conference schedule time.

Next Meeting: Mr. Jones will likely report on the recent ReOpening Webinar for Educators hosted by the County Board of Education. We will also have an update from the ReOpening Task Force meeting held on Tues 10/6.

Parent Discussion

CDC News on a Rise in Child Cases: We discussed the CDC's recent report that child cases have risen from 2% to 10%. We discussed how in-person instructions are noted as a cause and parent concerns on the subject. 

Testing for In-Person: Parents discussed the importance of better availability and efficiency of testing for in-person instruction.

Student Focus & Motivation Concerns: Parents shared how students are starting to get tired of the constant work routine and motivation to go on and stay on Zoom's, is getting harder and harder.

Wacky Wednesday in Kinder: This is the second meeting we discussed Kinder's structure for Weds. Virtual meetings. The four teachers host project-based zooms and allow the student to choose which class to take. Some of the activities include Art Class, Music and Movement, Cooking, Steam Projects, PE and much more.

District Zoom Policy Update: Parent Help in Class Breakout Rooms, Mr. Jones reported that parent volunteers are welcome to help teachers break out rooms during class time. The teacher can pop in and out of the breakout room to monitor progress. He is still in talks with the district on the possibility of Parent run zooms during school hours, with a possible background check. 

Save Halloween Flyer: A group of parents has organized a flyer to drop into neighbors' mailboxes to help make Halloween safe in our community. We are branching out and need parents to help print and drop the flyers. If you are interested, head over to the online form to choose a neighborhood to drop the flyer.


In the next meeting, we will discuss an article found by a fellow parent that focuses on distraction. The author talks about the fact that distraction has been a concern with humans since the beginning of time! Hopefully, you will get a chance to check it out and join the discussion.

If you cannot attend this meeting and would like to ask a question or share your thoughts. Please email us using the email below.

We also welcome parents to share their suggestions as well, or if you would like to team up with Rachael to help curate these discussions, email her at

Staying Connected

To join GHSC Facebook Group -- CLICK HERE 

To find your Guadalupe Class Shutterfly Site -- CLICK HERE 

If you have a spouse who would like to receive email updates from GHSC, please be sure to visit EDIT PROFILE ON GHSC Toolkit.


If you need assistance with access to Shutterfly or Toolkit, 

please email

Next Community Meeting

will take place on Wed. 10/7 @ 8 PM (evening)